A peak inside my bag I use everyday for University! I purchased this back in Autumn 2013, just into my first year of University. At the time, I believe I made this purchase for £59.99. Although this exact bag isn't still available, every year Zara seem to update their City Bag, so this one is worth checking out. If you're after this exact bag, check out eBay! It's definitely my most practical bag purchase ever! The quality is brilliant, and considering I use it 5 days a week, and have done since late 2013, there is no damage to the bag and it's still in great condition! Anyway enough rambling, here are my Uni bag essentials!

The great thing about this bag is the size. Overall there are 3 main sections to this bag: 2 large zip sections on either side (shown below), with a smaller zip section surrounded by a large open section in the centre of the bag (shown above). There are several card slots and phone sized pockets in the middle open section of the bag too; perfect to be able to grab those necessities easily.
The 2 large sections are the perfect size to store a laptop. My 13" MacBook Pro fits perfectly, even in it's zip case (just for added protection). One of these large zip sections has a smaller pocket, which is perfect to fit notebooks or diaries, just to keep them separate and easy to reach for (shown above). This is also a great section to keep chargers or headphones, to prevent them getting tangled or wrapped around everything!
It's fair say I'm super clumsy! When I made my MacBook purchase a few years back, I invested in an SmartShell snap case to add durability to my laptop, and also protect it against scratches and dirt. I also purchased an Incase bright pink zip sleeve, again for added protection; and of course to make my laptop feel more my own... and what's more my style than bright, neon pink!

The Entertainment Essentials
Long and exhausting days as a student are inevitable, but there are definitely ways to work around those long days, and make them slightly more bearable! Of course I have my laptop for entertainment (mostly online shopping and YouTube), but 95% of the time I'm having to use my laptop for work, so it's difficult to use it for anything else! That's where the iPad comes in! What a brilliant purchase! I'm the kind of student that is easily distracted, so taking in my iPad and setting up a series on Netflix ensures that i remain focused on my work, and keeps the distractions at bay. Currently Community is a fave, and OF COURSE Pretty Little Liars!
Headphones are another essential! I like to take my over Bose ear headphones, for those times when I need to get cracking and really focus! I also take a small pair of in ear headphones. Sometimes I don't like to be so anti-social! Also, these tend to hurt my ears after a while, so it's nice to be able to change it up.

The Student Essentials
So as I've mentioned previously, I'm a huge list-maker and notebook fan! I take several with me, as I'm always jotting down ideas and reminders. I also have a small A5 sketchbook with me at all times; as my course is creative, you never know when you'll need to make a quick note or sketch of an idea or design. Again, below are all of the links you'll need!
Pink Pencil Case